Array Types
The Array Generator supports various types of arrays, each with distinct properties. In addition to fixed-tilt arrays, users can create east-west racks, single-axis trackers, multi-row trackers, V-racks, and solar fences for placement.
V-racks are similar to east-west racks but allow for positive module inclination angles, measured from the center to the outer edge. The height of the array is also measured at the center, as it represents the lowest point. For both array types, the user defines one side of the rack, which is then mirrored at a configurable distance.
Special characteristics of array types:
- The array height is related to the outer posts.
- The rotation point for the modules needs to be set.
East-west and V-racks
- Need a minimum row distance to be set, as no shadow cast is calculated.
Solar fences
- Have several predefined and fixed options:
- The array height is always fixed to the bottom edge.The module inclination is always 90°.The maximum slope and distance reference on page “Common” are disabled, same as several options for post position and orientation. For this array type those options are not supported.
- The installation type is set to connected, so neighboring tables share one post.
- An overhang value is required on both sides, so the post geometry doesn’t collide with the module. The example post P-01 is displayed correctly with an overhang of 50mm (half of the post width).