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Helios 3D Update 2024.0.1.6

New Version: 2024.0.1.6
DB Version: 2024.0.1.0
Date: 07/01/2024
Operating System: Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11
AutoCAD: Autodesk Civil 3D 2021 to 2024

DWG File Compatibility in Helios 3D:
DWG files saved with Helios 3D version 2024.0.1.6 can no longer be opened or modified in older Helios releases. It is recommended to create a copy of the drawing before working with the new patch version! Older versions may still function if all requirement types are renamed, and all fields and requirement type zones are clicked once to update the element assignments.

New PV Table Placements Might Lead to Different Layouts:
Layouts may change if certain values were set for the following functions in existing drawings but later deactivated by removing the check mark: Minimum row distance, array distance, and row-end overhang.

Project Export:
Project export is no longer possible and will soon be completely removed. DWG files can be transferred directly and imported into any project in another database using drag-and-drop. Article data must then be transferred from the DWG file to the database.

  • New: If the „Electrical Structure Tree“ page is active in the palette, clicking on a single string number label in the drawing will display and select the corresponding node in the tree and highlight the cable paths in the drawing.
  • New: Clicking on a PV table entry in the placement structure tree now highlights it in the drawing.
  • New: A different module can now be assigned to each table in the table list under requirement types, provided the length, width, and thickness are identical to the module from the array generator. A changed module is displayed in bold. The standard module from the table generator is marked with an ‚*‘ at the beginning and end. As a result, it is no longer necessary to create a new table for each module.
  • New: The table height from the array generator can now be overridden in the field placement parameters, eliminating the need to create a new table for each table height.
  • New: In the electrical structure, strings that are not directly connected are now listed under an additional node.

  • Change: The CoverRatio value is now also displayed when the electrical design is simulated using the yield assessment module.
  • Change: If you are working with multiple drawings, each drawing now remembers which objects were selected or opened in the array placement tree. This status is restored when switching between drawings.
  • Change: For strings that span two rows and use a „row-to-row“ cable trench, the negative cable now first connects to the positive terminal before proceeding to the target device. This prevents the formation of loops.
  • Change: The checkboxes for minimum array distance, minimum row distance, and allowed overhang beyond the field border have been removed from the placement parameters. These values are now always applied.
    For old drawings, this may result in layout changes for new placements if the input fields contain values that were previously deactivated via these checkboxes.
  • Change: When wiring via row-to-row cable trenches, only partner tables that are within one table width of the cable trench are selected.
  • Change: The statistics page has been revised. Several data points are now displayed directly and no longer within sub-nodes.
  • Change: The field placement parameters have been reorganized, with conflict and limit settings now grouped together.
  • Change: Adjusting placement-relevant polylines (fields, requirement type areas, etc.) now results in significantly fewer refill calls.
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